Woman's Corner


      My name is Patricia Williams.

      The purpose of this web page is to encourage those of you who are participating in the battle to guard, protect and keep God’s Words available to our children and their children until the Lord returns. God breathed-out His Words to the prophets and apostles, and those Words were duly recorded. Through the centuries, those very Words have been preserved through the nation Israel, and through sanctified churches.

     Today however, many choose to revere corrupted texts and distorted versions (perversions). The authentic, powerful, life-giving and life-sustaining Words of God are found in the hands of only a very few; those who are using accurate and faithful translations of the inspired Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words, such as our beloved KJB.

     Each woman who shares this belief can use her God-given gifts, talents and abilities to do her part to defend and protect the precious Words from God. My desire is to build this site by presenting not only my thoughts but also the belief and convictions of other women who care about this issue.


     The Scripture says that God’s compassions are new every morning (Lam 3:23) and I have so many, many times found this to be true as I read and meditate on His Words in the early morning hours. It seems that neither the world nor my sinful flesh has yet awakened, and I can delight without interruption in the beauty of His holiness.

     Several years ago I began to record my meditations, and I would like to share a few of them with you.

Articles will open in PDF file in a new window/tab.

Video Presentation

"Make me to go in the path of thy commandments; for therein do I delight."   Psalms 119:35

I have shared my desires and convictions with you. Will you do the same? You may e-mail me here