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Nicholas Zarrella

Overcoming the Mountain: A Manual for the Pre-Field Ministry of Deputation

     "Overcoming the Mountain" is a practical deputation manual which aims to assist the missionary in efficiently and effectively conquering the mountainous task of deputation in a way which is both pleasing unto the Lord and appealing to the modern-day Pastor. The ministry of deputation is often flooded with questions in the mind of the would-be missionary. “What is the purpose of this? How is it possible to raise the astronomical amount of financial support required to reach the field? Who is going to schedule me? What am I expected to do when presenting in a church? When will I finally arrive on the field?” Though these are legitimate thoughts, they tend to find their root in the overarching question, “Why do I have to undergo this arduous climb?” The missionary’s heart is on the field, but their body is stuck in America until this mountainous task called deputation has been conquered. The purpose of this book is to give answer to the biblical and practical reasonings for deputation and to better prepare the missionary to efficiently and effectively “conquer” this mountainous ministry in the power of the Lord. It serves as a guide-map in connecting the biblical prescriptions, principles, and practices with the modern-day task of appealing to pastoral leadership. While every missionary has commonalities and unique characteristics that are intricately woven by the Lord for their personal deputation ministry, even these elements can be fine-tuned to fit the descriptions founded in this manual.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Overcoming the Mountain: A Manual for the Pre-Field Ministry of Deputation

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8