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Nelson Noel Were

Pastors As Teachers: The Teaching Ministry of the Church and Its Role in the Strengthening of Church Today

     Calvin commenting on 1 Timothy 3:15 in his commentary on the Pastoral Epistles wrote, “The reason why the church is called the pillar of truth is, that, she defends and spread it by her agency. … the office of administering doctrine, which God hath placed in her hands, is the only instrument of preserving the truth, that it may not perish from the remembrance of men.” Doctrine needs particular attention in the church and teaching is the means by which the truth of God’s Word is to be propagated and preserved in this age and in the church. The church must not relinquish her “office of administering doctrine” nor loose her place as the pillar and ground of truth in this world. As the pillar of truth she must stand for and proclaim the truth of the Word of God, she must teach and affirm it constantly, and she must defend it tirelessly. Inroads have been made to weaken the church through the areas that the church members are ignorant of what the Word of God teaches. Where the church has not taught, and in areas of doctrines that have been negligent in, the enemy has found open doors. This has been a burden, and is part of why this work has been pursued. Bible teaching was the main stay of church life in the New Testament. May it be so today!

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Pastors As Teachers: The Teaching Ministry of the Church and Its Role in the Strengthening of Church Today

A Biblical Greek Syntax Guide

     The attempt to deconstruct the Textus Receptus of the Reformation which underlies the King James Version of the Holy Bible has been aided by the many Greek syntax and grammar texts which have imbibed Textual Criticism and have thus passed it on to students through the years. And as the battle of these times is on the Verbal and Plenary Preservation of the inspired words in the original languages, the time has come to revisit and revise the Greek syntax and grammar books and rid them of this leaven. The purpose of the material presented here is to better equip people with the ability to discover many of the hidden riches in the Word of God with the presupposition of a present, perfect, tangible, inspired and preserved text in the original languages.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
A Biblical Greek Syntax Guide

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8