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Chris Sherburne

Enough, of This Bible “Confidence Game”; Finding the Preserved Original Bible Jesus Promised!

   FINDING THE PRESERVED ORIGINAL BIBLE JESUS PROMISED! Believing Jesus, "...my words shall not pass away." (Mat. 24:35), Dr. Chris Sherburne makes a case for the preservation of God's Word as he compares the New King James with the King James (and seven other popular versions). Many questions are addressed in this book such as: *Where does the New King James differ from the King James? *The NKJ definitely claims to be translated from the same manuscripts as the KJ was, but are they even close? *Does it matter which version of the Bible you read? *In Matthew 5:18, was Jesus confused when he promised that every letter of Scripture would be preserved?

Part I: THE FRUIT INSPECTION compares hundreds of verses.

Part II: SCROLLDUGGERY examines the New King James, with its prefaces and footnotes, for faithfulness to the Originals in light of:

(1) God's covenant promises to preserve His Word;

(2) the readings of 98% of the Manuscripts (including most of the oldest);

(3) the Laws of Evidence.

Dr. Sherburne spent over 20 years doing research for this book. His conclusions are based on the work done by some of the best actual "textual scholars" of history (Burgon, Hoskier, Moorman, ...), who compared the 20,000+ ancient manuscripts. 98% of those manuscripts support the text used in the 1611 King James. This true "Majority Text" has to be the promised preserved Bible-refined seven times, as prophesied in Psalm 12:6-or there isn't one!

See if this book doesn't make a defensible case for a preserved inerrant Bible.

Dr. Sherburne also has these works to help the student study this issue: 1. Syllabus for an undergraduate level study of the Enough

 2. Syllabus for a graduate level study of Dean John Burgon's book, Revision Revised

3. Micro Strong's Exhaustive Concordance-6" x 9" x ½", with tabs and streamlined main concordance

4. KJ2011-King James Bible with 21st century spelling, but no textual changes

5. "Tour Guide to the Tribulation"-End times Timeline soundly and literally based on the book of Revelation and the seven Jewish feasts

6. "La Gran Aventura": A Spanish translation of "The MFJ Bible Fellowship" exceptional daily devotionals of the Gospel of John

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Enough, of This Bible “Confidence Game”; Finding the Preserved Original Bible Jesus Promised!


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8