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Humphrey Posey

A Sketch of the Life of Elder Humphrey Posey: First Baptist Missionary to the Cherokee Indians

   Humphrey Posey was the first missionary to the Cherokee Indians. This very brief Memoir of Elder Posey was published in 1852. It was prepared by the Author, at the request of the Western Baptist Association, Georgia. “It is hoped that the numerous friends of the deceased may be interested in its perusal, and that the religion of Christ may be promoted by its circulation. But it is especially hoped, that the cause of Indian Missions may be aided, and the general cause of benevolence sub-served.” From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Baptists have been more famous for preaching in the wilderness, than for wearing soft raiment, and for dwelling in king’s houses. They have generally been looked upon as reeds shaken with the wind, and have every where been spoken against. Many of them have been eloquent ministers of Jesus Christ, “fervent in the spirit, and mighty in the scriptures,” and have “taught diligently the things of the Lord.” Some of the most distinguished men which the world has ever known wee in principle and profession Baptists. A record of their history has not, however, in all instances, been preserved. In this respect, the Baptists have not done justice to themselves nor to the cause they so heartily adhere to. They have probably been criminal in this thing to a greater extent than they are able to perceive. The great, and almost unparalleled increase of their numbers within the past and present century, has given rise to an era in their history which will, no doubt, mark their general character for centuries to come.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
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A Sketch of the Life of Elder Humphrey Posey: First Baptist Missionary to the Cherokee Indians


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8