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Dan R Nelson


Baptist Revival 2.0: Baptist Faith and Practice Analyzed and Explained Scripturally and Historically

    Dan Nelson is clear and direct in his desire for everyone to know what Baptists believe and how they have survived their struggle to be the force they are today. Each chapter contains ten descriptions of certain beliefs and practices amplified by Baptists in their churches and history. Eight appendices serve as a teaching guide for the information condensed into helpful instruction.

Nelson's writing is unique since he uses history to describe Baptist beliefs. His writing and research indicate how Baptists differ from other groups. Surprising facts and encouraging stories shared as illustrations reveal these truths.

Dan has taught Church History and is a Baptist historian specializing in writing about continuous Baptist history throughout the history of Christianity.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Baptist Revival 2.0: Baptist Faith and Practice Analyzed and Explained Scripturally and Historically
A  Word  from the Author

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8