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Michael Maynard

The Historical Defense of 1 John 5: 7-8: The Unjustly Exscinded Text of the Three Divine Witnesses

    Dr. Moorman said: “It is my privilege and joy to commend the work of a man whom God has raised up to defend one of the most vital “pieces of ground” in all of Scripture- I John 5:7-8. Those who feel a kindred spirit in their stand for the Received Text and Authorized Version will be thankful that God has endowed the author with the spiritual insight, scholarship, and linguistic ability for such a defence. It is tragic that so many in fundamentalism are prepared to surrender what is in fact the Bible’s central Trinitarian passage, but it is here that the stand must be made, and it is with gratitude that such a landmark contribution has now been made. Ostensibly the work is a bibliography, but in reality, it gives a succinct history of the debate that has raged over the Johannine Comma through the centuries. It is also a promise of further research from the author, and it is my prayer that he be encouraged and given every assistance in the crucial areas in which he is working.”

Dr. Jack A. Moorman

London, England

This document, an 8.5 x 11 inch, 286 page, large book is an uncorrected draft copy received from Michael Maynard in March of 1991 by Pastor D. A. Waite, Bible for Today, Collingswood, NJ. It is an enlargement upon a paper originally prepared for Classical Philology 510 submitted to Dr. Holt Parker of the Classics Department at the University of Arizona. The book in its final form was still being revised but unfortunately Michael Maynard has gone on to his reward. I had the privilege of talking with Brother Maynard before he passed away. He was a librarian in Texas whose research was impeccable. The Old Paths Publications, Inc. is republishing this document using the original formatting with the hope that the information will be helpful because the work is now out of print and old copies are being sold at extreme prices.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
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The Historical Defense of 1 John 5: 7-8: The Unjustly Exscinded Text of the Three Divine Witnesses

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8