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The Gathering Storm: Matthew 24, The End of the World
This book by Dr. Guy Lee digs deep into the questions asked by the disciples pertaining to the description of the end of the world (age) and the answers given by Jesus in Matthew 24. From the destruction of the Temple by General Titus to the time just like Noah’s days, the course of the world is simplified and revealed by the exegesis of this significant passage. The Post-modern and Post-Christian world would do well to heed this most significant Biblical passage. Believers will be looking up and unbelievers amazed at the truths expounded by looking around them at the present state of the world. Hopefully, some will heed the call to believe on Him Who loved us first. WHAT SHALL BE THE SIGN OF THY COMING? Matthew 24:4-14: These verses have a double interpretation. They give: The character of the Age, wars, international conflicts, pestilences, persecutions and false Christs. These predictions will have a double fulfillment in a lesser degree during the present age of grace and in the coming period of judgment. Then there will be great apostasy when many shall stumble and faithful servants of God will be betrayed by their closest relatives. This too has had a partial fulfillment during this dispensation. THE TWO STAGES OF THE LORD’S COMING: 1. Rapture, which is the personal coming in the air, not to the earth, for the church, I Thessalonians 2:19, I Thessalonians 4:13-18. There is an interval of the seven year tribulation period between the rapture and the Second Advent. 2. Second Advent, when Jesus is coming at His second advent with His saints to reign. Revelation 19:14
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Purchase: The Gathering Storm: Matthew 24, The End of the World |
Apostasy in the Pulpit and Apathy in the Pews: A Study in the Book of Jude
The book of Jude is small, but it is packed full of warnings and insight about the apostasy of the last days. Guy has written his little book, Apostasy in the Pulpit and Apathy in the Pews, to explain and share the urgency that Jude did so long ago. He warns us to be aware, to be informed, and to be involved. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. We cannot be neutral in these last days. Thank you Guy for your time, study, help, and example of what to do in this world in which we live. You are truly an authentic example of how we are to fight for the faith. Dr. Tom Etterlee, March 2020
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Purchase: Apostasy in the Pulpit and Apathy in the Pews: A Study in the Book of Jude |
Episodes of the End: The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Dr. Lee was a close friend of Oliver Green and several other “old time” men of God. Dr. Lee’s alliteration will be of great benefit to evangelists, pastors, teachers, and missionaries, and the person in the pew. Dr. Lee said: “I always receive a great blessing from the fresh study of this closing portion of God’s Word. Likewise, everyone studying this book receives a great blessing, a promise in this great book from God.” For many years, I have been asked by many of my friends and family to write down the messages and insight that God has given me of the book of Revelation. These outlines and studies are the things that God has helped me to understand in the study of Revelation. I am also indebted to those who have labored in the study of the book of Revelation before me. I pray that this book will please the Lord and that He will use it for the edification of everyone that reads it and that it will be used to His honor and glory. The last prayer of Revelation is also my prayer, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.”
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Purchase: Episodes of the End: The Revelation of Jesus Christ |
The End of the Days: A Study in the Book of Daniel
Dr. Lee said: “I am grateful to the Lord for His help in the completion of this book on the book of Daniel. It is my earnest hope that it will be a help to the Lord’s people in a further appreciation for the Word of God. The more deeply I have delved into the study of the books of Daniel and Revelation, the more firmly convinced I have become that these books need to be preached more than ever before. They should be engaging the attention of the Church in a larger measure. Our Lord’s last message to His Church, a message given after His ascension to heaven, is found in Revelation, which is a continuation of the book of Daniel. Yet, few sermons are preached in our pulpits that are based on this message, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. No claim is made for scholarship or originality. Please receive it in the spirit in which it is written; a desire to help. In Matthew 24:15, Jesus Christ made the statement: “whoso readeth, let him understand” about the prophecies in Daniel. If you want to understand the great prophecies of the end time, then you cannot ignore the book of Daniel. The books of Daniel and Revelation must be studied together. They are supplemental one to the other.”
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Purchase: The End of the Days: A Study in the Book of Daniel |
Dr. Guy Lee's Book Set (perfect bound)
$40.00 plus shipping & handling cost. Please contact The Old Paths Publications, Inc. for this set and special pricing.
"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."
Proverbs 2:8