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Samuel J. Andrews

The Life of Our Lord Upon the Earth: Considered in the Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Relations

  This is a 698-page book about the details of the life of Christ on Earth published in 1862 and a revised in 1891. Dr. Samuel J. Andrews said: “This book was [first] published in 1862. That it has continued in request for so many years, shows at least that it meets a want not otherwise adequately met. It has seemed to me, therefore, little less than a duty carefully to revise it, and to make it, so far as I am able to do, more worthy of the favor it has received. In this revision the character of the book has not been changed. It deals with the life of the Lord on the earth in its chronological, topographical, and historical relations only…In regard to reference to other books and writers, a few words may be said. The grounds on which they are made are these: To enable the reader to verify the statements of his author; to furnish him the means of further pursuing his inquiries; to show by enumeration of names where the weight of authority lies; and incidentally to indicate if any writer of importance has been neglected. We may err here either on the side of excess or defect; perhaps many will think I have erred in the former way. But those who know how much time is wasted in hunting for passages where references are scanty, will pardon me…Again, after so many years, and with a deeper sense of its truth, I say: “How poor and unworthy of Him, the external aspects of whose earthly life I have endeavored in some point to portray, my labors are none can feel more deeply than myself. I can only pray that His blessing—the blessing that changed the water into wine—may go with this book, and make it, in some measure, useful to His children.”” [my addition in brackets, HDW]

As publisher of this revision, which was originally released in 1891, we would make this comment: the full realization of the corruption of manuscripts by critical scholars such as Westcott and Hort was just taking root. However, the historical, topographical, and chronological particulars presented by this author are invaluable to serious students of God’s Words. Therefore, we are reprinting it because of its usefulness. One learns in life that one needs “to take the meat and leave the bones.” H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D., President, The Old Paths Publications, Inc. aka TOP Publications.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The Life of Our Lord Upon the Earth: Considered in the Historical, Chronological, and Geographical Relations


God's Revelation of Himself to Men: As Successively Made in the Patriarchal, Jewish, and Christian Dispensation and in the Messianic Kingdom

   Concerning the destructive critics of the 20th century, Pastor Andrews said, “It is painfully evident that the recent attempts to meet the long-felt difficulties in the Old Testament, historic and other, by minimizing the knowledge of God possessed by Israel, have tended rather to undermine the faith of Christians than to confirm it….

“It is also more and more evident that the same uncertainty is beginning to be felt in regard to the truthfulness of the New Testament, and especially of the historic Gospels. Here we are told, that as we find by critical inquiry, much was attributed to Moses that was not his, so much was attributed to Christ which He never did or taught. It is the pious imagination of the second century that presents Him to us as He now appears. When all errors are eliminated, and we get down to exact history, both Old and New Testaments will be reduced to much smaller dimensions, and make lees demands upon our faith; and we may safely say, also, that increasing numbers will care less and less for them.”

This is the case among academics and far too many pastorates and congregations. Hopefully, this book written in 1901 by a student of Scripture will help some to return to faith in “the old book,” a faith lost around the world. H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
God's Revelation of Himself to Men: As Successively Made in the Patriarchal, Jewish, and Christian Dispensation and in the Messianic Kingdom


Christianity and Anti-Christianity: In Their Final Conflict

   Written in 1898, this book is an encouragement to many of us who are “[l]ooking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) T. A. McMahon said in the Berean Call: “Although I have been addressing at times over the last few years specific aspects of the coming world religion, it’s a great encouragement to have those whom I respect in the Lord confirm my writings on the subject. One of those friends told me to read a book that he believed would be of further encouragement. I got it and read it. To use one of Dave Hunt’s favorite expressions: “Wow!” That would have been his response, without a doubt. The book is what I would call a “pre-confirmation,” meaning it confirms what we’ve been describing regarding the Apostasy with this amazing distinction: It was written in 1898!”

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Christianity and Anti-Christianity: In Their Final Conflict


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8