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Luke S. Watkins

A Superior High Priest, A Concise Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

    Pastor James Jones, Jr. said: “There are more than forty works on the book of Hebrews in my library, counting the single volumes, plus commentaries. This work by Lucas Watkins is valued among the best of them.” THE BOOK OF HEBREWS is avoided by many and misinterpreted by most. The point of this commentary is to unfold the beautiful message of this rich book, as well as to bring light and clarity to its difficult passages. It will be seen throughout this study that the way to look at these passages is the same way that its original readers would have, and to be as careful in applying Old Testament typology as the original author was. The truths revealed thereby are encouraging, beautiful, and satisfying to those who are unsettled at best, and troubled at worst. The result is a treatment of the book that honors the Authorized text and avoids common theological blunders.

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A Superior High Priest, A Concise Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8