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William Patton

Bible Wines: The Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients

 This excellent little book, “Bible Wines: On, The Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients” by Dr. William Patton was published in 1874. It was highly recommended by Dr. Bruce Lackey, who is now deceased, in his booklet, “What the Bible Teaches About Drinking Wine,” published in 1985. He said: “More than a hundred years ago, this preacher was the only one in the town where he lived who believed in total abstinence. He saw that it was necessary to make an extensive study to see what scripture taught. This book is the result of that labor and is the very best thing I have ever read on the subject.” Considering the current scourge of alcohol abuse in 2020, amplified by the Covid 19 pandemic, we are republishing this helpful treatise. Stray marks in the work are secondary to the age of the document and other artifacts.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Bible Wines: The Laws of Fermentation and Wines of the Ancients


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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8