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Michael W. Snider

Where Is God?: Does God Disappear When You Need Him the Most?

    The world you live in is not a safe place. You must endure deaths, diseases, and tragedy. Do you feel God is not paying attention to your dilemma? Does God seem distant from you?

You seem to face tragedy after tragedy and it appears God is absolutely no help. Ever feel that God has given up on you? During your darkest hours have you ever wonder, "Where is God?" Michael Wayne Snider, while using his personal experiences, will ask and answer five questions:

Is God aware of me?

Does God understand me?

Does God care?

Why do we suffer?

Where is God?

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Where Is God?: Does God Disappear When You Need Him the Most?

Living By The Rule

     Living By The Rule is a book that relates the spiritual journey of the author from a place of doubt and despair and confusion, to a place of victory. Seeking answers as to why his life had no direction, no meaning, and no joy, God took him on a wilderness journey and showed him the great truths of His Words. With distinct clarity, Pastor Snider was also able to see how Satan works to thwart God's plans. Drawing from the Biblical accounts and recognizing the parallels to his own life, he has shared valuable lessons and by interspersing stories from his own life, he has made this volume appealing to all.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Living By The Rule

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8