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Gertrude Grace Sanborn

With Tears in My Heart, Poetic Meditations of a Christian Woman

     This book is a compilation of a Christian mother's poems who faced some of life's dearest and happiest experiences; yet, some of life's hardest trials. She had the extra burden of caring for a retarded child; even so, her joys explode off the page. Her "Book" was the King James Bible. Any Christian will experience the needs of a 'special' mother and witness the answer to her prayers on the pages of this heart wrenching book.


Where to Purchase:
With Tears in My Heart,
Poetic Meditations of a Christian Woman

Able To Bear It

    "Many parents have children who must face life with unexplained illnesses or deformities. Often that life of unusualness falls on the shoulders of the parents and caregivers. That is why Able to Bear It has touched the hearts of grieving mothers, fathers, siblings, and grandparents. In the circumstances of her life, the author, Gertrude Sanborn, had experienced every

emotion there ever was. May the Lord use Able To Bear It to renew your determination to live for the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of any serious problems you might have. You may not be able to escape these problems, but, "through patience and comfort of the Scriptures," you can learn to endure the hurt. Such solace and comfort can be found for you, too, as Gertrude Sanborn discovered it many years ago. Her consolation came in a Book--God's Book--the Bible."

The book is available to be printed in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Russia, England, and US.


Where to Purchase:
Able To Bear It

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8