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Jack A. Moorman

21 Alleged Mistakes in the King James Bible: FOR EXAMPLE: Conies, Brass and Easter

   The material given in these twenty-one "biggest problem passages" is by no means complete or exhaustive. Others will be able to add further light. But the above demonstrates how foolish and unfair it is to criticize passages such as these without taking the time to see If there is a reasonable explanation. Some years ago, a NASA space probe gave the world its first close-up of the rings of Saturn. Prior to this the nature and structure of these rings were thought to be fairly straightforward. In fact, it was shown to be quite the opposite! Not only did the rings orbit Saturn, but the rings themselves contained orbiting "rings.” They displayed a previously unimagined complexity. Soitis with our English Bible. From a distance misapprehensions are possible. But the closer one looks, the more it reveals the hand of God. It bears witness to the fact that indeed it is the fulfillment of God's promise to preserve His original work of inspiration. Far from Its "problem passages" revealing any deficiency; under scrutiny, these reveal "dust of gold" (Job 28:6). And what is more, they test the heart and motives of all who come to its pages: Concerning thy testimonies, have known of old that thou has founded them for ever. Psalms 119:152

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21 Alleged Mistakes in the King James Bible: FOR EXAMPLE: Conies, Brass and Easter
Table of Contents & Sample Pages


Delivered From the Wrath to Come: A Study of the Pretribulational Rapture

   Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Revelation 3:10.

One: An hour of temptation is coming. It is an hour in comparison to the ages of general tribulation that have fallen on parts of the earth. It is an hour, only a short time, yet an exceedingly intense time. It contains more tribulation than that of all the previous ages combined.

Two: It will be upon all the earth. It will not be in only the “trouble spots” of the earth; the entire earth will feel the full weight of its fury.

Three: Those who kept the word of his patience during times of general tribulation will be kept from the time of great tribulation. During these times of general tribulation, faith is exercised to wait in patience for His Return: Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain (James 5:7).

Four: Believers will be kept from (Gr. ek) the terrible hour. They will not go through it, but will be kept from it. This is a key passage demonstrating that the Rapture of believers will take place before the terrible time of trouble. The coming Tribulation is one unit composed of Seven Seals containing Seven Trumpets and Seven Vials. We will not go through any part of it. Edited by Dr. J. A. Moorman

The end of this age is near and will conclude with the Rapture for the church of the Living God. Most individuals on earth are completely oblivious to the events surrounding the Rapture and the Tribulation to follow. Dr. Moorman clearly and succinctly lays out the events from Scripture, the most amazing book ever placed on this earth. All better become familiar soon or face the judgment of an Almighty and Holy God. H. D. Williams, M.D., Ph.D

Where to Purchase:
Delivered From the Wrath to Come: A Study of the Pretribulational Rapture

Was Codex Sinaiticus Written In 1840!

   These are strange days, but for those who believe there are good reasons to hold to the King James Bible and the Text upon which it is based, nothing is stranger than the account of a forgotten but now re-emerging debate that took place after the 1844 “discovery” of Codex Sinaiticus. It now appears that the HOUSE OF CARDS upon which the Modern Version text is based is far weaker than we could have imagined. Unlike other Biblical controversies, much of what we know about this one appeared in the British press; mainly in 1862 and 1863.

Where to Purchase:
Was Codex Sinaiticus Written In 1840!

The Church, the Beginning, Baptism, Body, and Bride

   “The New Testament places great emphasis upon the Local Church. From Acts Two and onward, wherever one looks, in everything from spiritual nurturing to world evangelism, the Local Church is the center and compass of God’s dealings with His people. One would be pressed to find a single example of work or ministry described in the Bible that was independent of the Local Church. It is a great and glorious emphasis, and Independent Baptists have generally been unique in giving it its proper place.

The late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries saw the rise of Landmark Baptist Churches in the USA. Extreme forms of this movement taught the necessity of baptismal succession back to John the Baptist, and that only Baptists who can so trace their own succession are in the Body/Bride of Christ. The Local Church is a glorious New Testament truth, but like all other doctrines, it is possible to take it further and make claims for it that the Bible does not make.”

Where to Purchase:
The Church, the Beginning, Baptism, Body, and Bride

Revelation: God's Final Word

  There can be no greater example of the primacy of the Second Coming for the believer today than the church the Apostle Paul planted at Thessalonica. He was in that city for only three weeks, yet it is clear from reading First and Second Thessalonians that he immediately grounded and anchored the very young believers there to the basic truths of our Lord's Second Coming. They were made to see the great epochs concerning the Rapture the Tribulation and Christ's Glorious Return to earth. With so many good books having been written on Revelation it is incumbent to give a reason why another one should be written. It is believed that the outlined format of the present commentary will be an aid to the student, the teacher and preacher in expounding this last Book of the Bible. It is believed that further insights have been given concerning the Seven Churches. And, it is believed that along with a number of other matters, clarification has been given to the chronology of Revelation from Chapters 6 - 18. Evidence is shown that Chapter 6 with the six Seal Judgements covers the first half of the Tribulation, while Chapters 7-18 with their references to time are devoted entirely to the second half. The Trumpet Judgements cover all but the final weeks of the second half. The Vial Judgements cover these last weeks. The Seals are wrath; the Trumpets are woeful wrath; the Vials are unmitigated wrath. Against the background of these judgements the succeeding Chapters view the last half the the standpoint of the 144,000 (Ch. 7); from the standpoint of the Herald Angel (Ch. 10); from the standpoint of the Two Witnesses (Ch. 11); from the standpoint of Israel 's flight (Ch. 12); from the standpoint of the Antichrist (Ch. 13); and from the standpoint of Babylon (Chpts.17,18). With the world moving ever closer to the precipice, for such a time (Est 4:14), it is our prayer that this commentary will be a help to many.”

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Revelation: God's Final Word

Daniel, A Commentary and Survey Series

   “Daniel” (is a large book, A4 size, essentially copy paper size, 300 pages, many color pictures) is one of a Series of Bible Commentaries and Surveys by Dr. Moorman, who is a noted author, missionary, pastor, and scholar, which are: King James Version, dispensational, premillennial, pretribulational, instructive and devotional: that upholds at every point the King James Version, the Providential Standard Translation in the English speaking world; and the Inspired and Preserved Text upon which it is based: that recognizes that the Bible Institute movement of the earlier part of the 20th Century (Moody, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, etc.) and those influenced by it, produced much of the best Bible study material available for believers of the last days, that recognizes that Matthew Henry’s Commentary (and allowing for its lack of understanding in prophetic and dispensational truth) remains as Spurgeon said: “First among the mighty for general usefulness” (Commenting and Commentaries), that recognizes that the Scofield Reference Bible (1917 edition) while rejecting its few errors (textual, gap theory etc.) remains the best compendium of succinctly stated Biblical truth, and that recognizes that a commentary should be able to directly facilitate the teaching and preaching of the Scriptures. To help toward this, outlining is used. Dr. Moorman is the author of “Forever Settled,” a very popular book.” 

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Daniel, A Commentary and Survey Series.

Genesis to the Exodus: A Commentary and Survey Series (Commentaries)

  Dr. J. A. Moorman, a missionary, pastor, evangelist, scholar, and author, has written a series of Bible Commentaries and Surveys that are: King James Version, premillennial, pre-tribulational, dispensational, instructive and devotional that uphold at every point the King James Version, the Providential Standard Translation in the English-speaking world; and the Inspired and Preserved Text upon which it is based. This book is “Genesis to the Exodus,” a large book (A4, about equal to copy paper size, and 652 pages with over 100+ color pictures) which recognizes that the Bible Institute movement of the earlier part of the 20th Century (Moody, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, etc.) and those influenced by it, which produced much of the best Bible study material available for believers of the last days, that recognizes that Matthew Henry’s Commentary (and allowing for its lack of understanding in prophetic and dispensational truth) remains as Spurgeon said: “First among the mighty for general usefulness” (Commenting and Commentaries), that recognizes the Scofield Reference Bible (1917 edition), which while rejecting its few errors (textual, gap theory etc.) remains the best compendium of succinctly stated Biblical truth, and that recognizes that a commentary should be able to directly facilitate the teaching and preaching of the Scriptures. To help toward this, outlining is used. You may recognize Dr. Moorman as the author of the very popular book, “Forever Settled.”


Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Genesis to the Exodus: A Commentary and Survey Series (Commentaries)

The Biblical and Observational Case for Geocentricity

     Just as in the theory of evolution versus the Biblical teaching and the truth of God's creation, so there is a controversy whether or not both the Bible and scientific facts teach clearly that the earth is the center of God's creation rather than the sun. Dr. Moorman has done a masterful job in clarifying this subject for the Bible-believing Christians.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
The Biblical and Observational Case for Geocentricity

Missing in Modern Bibles

     Dr. Moorman’s new book, Missing in Modern Bibles, The Old Heresy Revived, has already had a significant impact. News has come our way relating that individuals have stopped using modern English versions and have returned to the King James Bible after reading Dr. Moorman’s book. This book is a wonderful tool that can be used to show others how much of God’s Word is actually missing in the modern Bibles; from words, to whole verses, to entire passages. It also soundly refutes the common arguments made against the King James Bible and, for the more knowledgeable reader, gives a concise summary of the textual issue. Don’t miss it.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Missing in Modern Bibles

Early Manuscripts, Church Fathers and the Authorized Version

   This volume places before the reader an entire range of evidence, and demonstrates how the early manuscripts, versions, and fathers bear witness to the doctrinal heart of the Authorized Version.





Table of Contents & Sample Pages
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Early Manuscripts, Church Fathers and the Authorized Version with Manuscript Digests and Summaries

Forever Settled, A Survey of the Documents and History of the Bible     

     This book is a classic. It is an exhaustive examination of the history of the Bible--from the time that it was breathed out by God, through its various stages of transmission, down to its present form in our day. It was written by a Bible college professor who is now a missionary. It recognizes that the promises within Scripture declare just as forcibly its preservation as it does its inspiration--that both are supernatural. It is here that his book stands. It is trusted that it will meet the need for a fuller treatment from this viewpoint.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Forever Settled, A Survey of the Documents
and History of the Bible
Paperback PDF-$14.99


8,000 Differences Between the N.T. Greek Words of the King James Bible and the Modern Versions

     This is a superb scholarly work that demonstrates the significant differences between the New Testament Greek texts of Westcott and Hort, Nestle/Aland, or United Bible Societies and the Greek Words underlying our King James Bible. The difference are in the Greek Words, but the English translations are also given to show where the changes affect translation. There are over 356 of these differences that affect BIBLE DOCTRINES in one way or another.


Table of Contents & Sample Pages
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8,000 Differences Between the N.T. Greek Words of the King James Bible and the Modern Versions
Available in Paperack & Hardcover
Hardback Paperback

When The KJV Departs From The "Majority" Text

The Reason For This Book. Prior to the 1980's when Hodges and Farstad published their edition of their so-called Greek "Majority" Text, this was the name which had been given to the Greek Textus Receptus which underlies the King James Bible. Dr. Moorman has given needed clarification to this important matter. The Goal of This Book. One of the goals of this volume is to present the Biblical arguments for God's promise of verbal, plenary, preservation of His Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words and His fulfillment of that promise. In addition, two "Majority" Texts are examined; Von Soden's defective work is disclosed; over 90 pages of manuscript digest is listed, and 1 John 5:7-8 is established. The Name of This Book. The title of the book is "When the KJV Departs From the "Majority" Text." The c. 414 manuscripts used for proof are not a "majority" of the over 5,555 manuscripts in existence today. Of the 1,800 MT differences with the TR, about 1/3rd depart from the wording of the KJV. The Usefulness of This Book. This book should prove useful to one who seeks to find the specific differences between the MT and the TR as well as to find the manuscript authority for the Words underlying the King James Bible. The five pages of "Index of Words and Phrases" helps greatly.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
When The KJV Departs From The "Majority" Text


Bible Chronology The Two Great Divides

This book is another classic work by Dr. J.A. Moorman. The author explains in great detail the Bible's chronology as with all else in Scripture is given and preserved by the Holy Spirit. Chronology gives the Bible its form, its structure, its actuality. The Bible can be tested in all points, and so in the subject before us it can be tested as regards time. Our study here presents the view that the Bible (the King James Version translated from the Masoretic and Received Texts) gives a complete, unbroken chronology of the years from the creation of Adam to the Death of Christ on the Cross. There are no gaps. The Bible and the Bible alone gives the complete chronology of the years from the First Adam to the Last Adam (I Corinthians 15:45). The Bible is not dependent in any way upon secular chronology to "fill in" any supposed gaps.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
Where to Purchase:
Bible Chronology The Two Great Divides

Bible Commentary Trilogy, "Genesis to the Exodus," "Daniel," and "Revelation,": Help from the Old Paths for the Last Days

  • Genesis to the Exodus

  •  Daniel

  • Revelation

 These are classic works from a renowned pastor and scholar that are extremely informative and doctrinally sound but written in Dr. Moorman’s easy-to-understand style. They are large perfect bound books, size A4 and contain many color pictures. $110.00 plus shipping & handling cost. This is a 15% savings. Please contact The Old Paths Publications, Inc. for this set and special pricing.

Jack Moorman's Book Set (Paperback or Hard Cover)


1.When the KJV Departs from the Majority Text

2. Forever Settled

3. Early Manuscripts, Church Fathers, and the Authorized Version

4. 8000 Differences

This set can be purchased in paperback or hardback. Pricing is a 20% discount. Paperback set $88.00 plus S&H. Hardback set $125.00 plus S&H. Please contact The Old Paths Publications, Inc. for this set and special pricing.

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8