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Charles Kriessmann


     There is no remnant, Jewish or Christian present today, Romans 11:5 notwithstanding misinterpretations, refers to a remnant at the beginning of the Age of Grace dispensation. There is no Christian remnant and to misuse the term for Christians or the Church is in violation of God's rule for remnants that He has maintained throughout history. What God has given us is a view of Israel's future remnant, which He is yet to call. This book is about the Eschatological Jewish remnant, empowered by God to flee the Antichrist and his Abomination of Desolation, into the Wilderness. There God preserves the Jewish remnant and brings them into the Kingdom of God.

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Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage

     An extremely important subject as marriage is given a cogent examination in this book. A definition of marriage as given by God is presented as an inalienable institution not to be altered in any way. Yet today we see that marriage has been redefined and changed in a way as to nearly render it unrecognizable. The author presents a short walk through the secular history of traditional marriage as a practice many thousands of years old. Chapter 2 is God's intention for how marriage was intended to be and how it relates to the Church as being the Bride of Christ. Also included in the chapter is the lofty exposition of the marriage of Solomon and Naaman in the Song of Solomon. After an explanation of the difference between fornication and adultery, two examples are given of how sinful marriages can affect the Church of God and His preparation of a chaste Bride. In chapter 6 divorce and remarriage are dealt with in a Biblical way, and which should be being taught in a clear manner to our Church-going youth. A thorough understanding of the subject is not being taught to young Christians and much confusion about the subject reigns in the Church. The final chapter discusses the politically protected entity of same-sex marriage, God's rejection of it, His disdain for it, and coming judgment as a result of it. Some of its consequences are detailed and what's next is predicted by Scripture.

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Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage

The Jews and Israel

    The author feels that this is a very important subject for not only concerned Christians but for all secular humans living today. Tracing the menaces facing the Jews and Israel today in the Introduction, an interesting ancient history of Israel is given in chapter 1. From Abraham to Moses, from the giving of the everlasting Abrahamic Covenant to the giving of the Law and the plan for the Tabernacle to Moses, The Jews and Israel come alive by the blessing of God as His Chosen people. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 are an exposition of Romans 9, 10, and 11. Romans chapter 9 covers God's dealings with Israel in its past and how they have been brought into the light. God shows His choice of the Jews as his people, His wrath upon them for their disobedience, and his reaching out to them with salvation. In Romans chapter 10 Paul brings to the Jews their lost condition and that the remnant will hear the Gospel and turn to Christ while the rest of Israel will remain blinded. Chapter 11 of Romans reassures the Jews that God will always be there for them, but they will have to be provoked to jealousy seeing that salvation has come to the Gentiles. God has not forever cast off his people and one day all Israel will be saved. Chapter 5 looks at supersessionism and antisemitism. Supersessionism, or Replacement Theology says that the Covenants, Promises, and Prophesies given to Israel are now embodied in the Church, which has supplanted Israel as God's Chosen people. Supersessionism is shown to be the root of antisemitism and today's hatred of the Jews.

Table of Contents & Sample Pages
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The Jews and Israel

Modern Version Failures


“This book gives a brief history of the original language texts. It presents the failure of the Gnostic Critical Greek Texts of the New Testament as well as the superiority and excellence of the Traditional Received Greek Words which underlie the King James Bible. The reason for so many doctrinal failures in the modern Bible versions is because they have been based on the fraudulent Greek Vatican and Sinai manuscripts which are loaded with over 356 false doctrinal passages. (1) The New International Version; (2) the New American Standard Version; (3) the English Standard Version; and (4) the Contemporary English Version are used to demonstrate the doctrinal failures of modern versions. Peter Ruckman’s false textual position on inspiration is refuted.”

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Modern Version Failures

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8