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Preachers don’t preach about Hell. Many professing Christians do not believe Hell is literal place. New versions dilute what the Lord said about Hell. What do YOU know about Hell?
One very popular preacher and evangelist said:
“I think that Hell essentially is separation from God forever. I think the fire that is mentioned in the Bible is a burning thirst for God that can never be quenched. The only thing I could say for sure is that Hell means separation from God. We are separated from His light, from His fellowship. That is going to be Hell. When it comes to a literal fire, I don’t preach it because I’m not sure about it. When the Scripture uses fire concerning Hell, that is possibly an illustration of how terrible it’s going to be—not fire but something worse, a thirst for God that cannot be quenched”
IS THIS TRUE COMPARED TO WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS? The topics covered in this book by Dennis D. Helton are: Hell, an Everlasting Fire; What did Jesus say about Hell; The Sting of Death; What the Secular World Says About Hell; Who Will be in Hell; Has Hell Gotten Larger; What is the Worm?; The Sting of Death; Is Hell a Literal Place; Where is Hell Located?; What is the Purpose for Hell?; Does the Bible Teach Soul Annihilation?; Can you Escape God’s Judgment?
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NIV Versus the KJV: A Critique of the NIV Bible and a Defense of the KJV
The purpose of this writing is not to judge the hearts or the motives of NIV Bible users; however, this paper is presented to those who are opened minded to facts. If the reader has a closed mind or biased in favor of New Age bibles, do not waste your time reading this material. If the reader is a seeker of truth, continue reading. Someone has well said, There is none so blind as those who refuse to see. The Scriptures teach the following principles of seeking truth:
Proverbs 18:13: He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
Galatians 4:16: Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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The writer titles this paper “Bible Prophecy” to distinguish it from the many false prophecies of contemporary times that are promoted under the pretense of "God’s anointing." Some of the topics covered in Bible Prophecy: What are the Benefits of Bible Prophecy? What is The First and Greatest Prophecy? What is The Spirit of Prophecy? What are Relevant Prophecies of Latter Days?; Daniel’s Prophecies about Israel’s 70 weeks. What about the Second Coming, The Rapture, signs of the times, mathematical probabilities, the last trumpet? Does prophecy prove that Christ is the Messiah? How can we recognize False Prophets? What is the meaning of The End of the World? Will the Earth Literally Burn Up? Who are The Two Beasts of Revelation 13? Why is Prophecy Sometimes Hard to Interpret? Is Israel’s Final National Restoration Prophesied? Who is the Rock of Salvation? Are today’s Divine Healers genuine? The Greek word for prophecy (Strong’s # 4394, "propheteia," prop-ay-ti’-ah) means, “To tell before.” Some like to say that it is history written in advance. Bible schools use the word eschatology in reference to prophecy. Eschatology is the division of systematic theology dealing with the doctrine of last things such as Death, Resurrection, The Second Coming of Christ, end of the World (completion of the Age), Divine Judgment, and The Future State. A large part of the Bible is prophecy.
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Purchase: Bible Prophecy, True or False |
Alcoholic Wine and the Christian
After a major Christian University published a book condoning the drinking of alcohol, Brother Dennis Helton went to work demonstrating that they were completely wrong according to the Scripture. The title of this book, Alcoholic Wine and the Christian may seem strange to some. However, it defines an issue that permeates Christianity today because the word, “wine,” is found often in the preserved Words of the Bible. The word “wine” is a polysemic word. That is, (1) it has different meanings depending upon its context, (2) its definition and exegesis is derived from the many words underlying the translation from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek given by God, and (3) its cultural use. Brother Helton’s book, Alcoholic Wine and the Christian, is so needed in these last days because alcohol has become a scourge upon humanity, not in America only, but throughout the world. The scourge, which has accelerated iniquity worldwide, has occurred for several reasons. (1) overt sin (drunkenness), (2) a misunderstanding of the Bible, (3) the corruption of the clear statements in Scripture by uneducated, misinformed preachers, teachers, missionaries, laymen, and authors (4) the pressures brought upon societies from the “so-called” SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, (5) humanistic culture that abounds because of “the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ.” (Colossians 2:8), (6) The false advertising of the liquor industry (e.g., alcohol is good for your heart and prevents cancer), (7) the self-indulgent culture of affluent nations, and (8) the promotion by the entertainment, TV, and social media industry.
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Dr. David L. Brown said: Angels – Who Are They? by Dennis H. Helton is a much needed book! Why? Because the "angelic theology" being promoted today is wildly unbiblical. This book is a valuable tool revealing the truth about angels and exposing what I call the “Celestial Quackery” of our day. As I went through the book, I would characterize the first half as a biblical answer book about angels: How old are angels? What do men and angels have in common? Do angels have wings? What are the different kinds of angels? Are angels sexless? Do Christians become angels when they die? Do angels appear today? These are just some of the questions posed and answered. I especially appreciated the sections on the characteristics of Angels and the section where Brother Helton exposes the false teaching about angels in Mormonism, Islam, Catholicism and Theosophy. The second half of the book was thought-provoking. It tackled the controversial interpretations of Genesis 6:1-8 concerning – Who are the sons of God? The author characterizes the different positions for your evaluation. Angels – Who Are They? is a fascinating book. It exposes the errors about angels and reinforces the truth about angels. It is worth your time and attention. Psalms 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Dr. David L. Brown, Ph.D., Pastor First Baptist Church, Oak Creek, WI
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Can A Saved Person Become Unsaved?
The majority of Christians can undoubtedly be divided into three major groups: Eternal life, Arminian, and Hyper-Calvinism. The writer will attempt to fairly narrate the distinctive beliefs of each. First, a brief introduction of them:
1. Eternal Life (Free Will)
2. Arminian (Free Will)
3. Hyper-Calvinism (No Free Will)
There is a large fourth group of religious people who consider themselves Christian, but have not been saved.
4. Christian in Name Only
Christendom is not made up of only genuine believers. Christendom is the part of the world or the sphere of the profession of Christ; it consists of both genuine believers (symbolized by wheat) and religious unbelievers (symbolized by tares). See Matthew 13:24-30. The tares (imitators) are those resembling believers (wheat). Again, many members of cult religions deny the deity of Christ. Apostate religion is identified in the Bible as the spirit of Antichrist (I John 2:22-23; 4:15; 5:1, 5; 10-13; 2 John 1:7, 9-10)
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Cremation: Christian or Pagan?
Cremation itself is the process of reducing the body remains to bone fragments and ashes through burning with open flames. The temperature of 1,600-2000 degrees Fahrenheit is maintained for approximately two to three hours (note: tin melts at 450 deg. F; lead melts at 662 deg. F). The ashes of a body’s cremation are usually mingled with the ashes of a body of a previous cremation. The larger bones remaining are usually ground up to smaller pieces. Today, even Christians are exploring cremation as an option to burial. The writer does not believe that cremation is acceptable for the Christian. Cremation has always been practiced by pagans and adherents of false religions. For example, the Hindus and Buddhists do not believe in a resurrection of the body; they believe that their soul is reincarnated (transmigrated) into another unrelated body or even a non-physical existence. By burning the bodies of the dead, they superstitiously hoped to prevent that body’s spirit from remaining in the local area and haunting the living. Of course, as Christians, we know death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the dead body. Jeremiah 10:2: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen.
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Evolution, Another False Religion of Humanism
“I want to thank you for the opportunity to read your books including the discussion on Evolution, The King James Bible, Can a Saved Person Become Unsaved, and Jesus is God. I found them all to be very well written with factual information, good references, pertinent history, important doctrines and a little humor. They were all easy to read and understandable with plenty of study material. I appreciate your dedication to this subject matter which was a tedious task but makes great reading for those interested in learning the truth. You have a talent for writing and have been a blessing to me.” –- Larry C. Atwood, MDTable of Contents & Sample Pages | ||
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This book, Jesus is God, by Dennis Helton documents the Scriptural passages that affirm Jesus is God. Any person desiring all the passages in one place will benefit from this study. It is a valuable reference for pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and laymen. Any parent would benefit greatly by teaching their children the truth concerning the second person of the Trinity, The Lord Jesus Christ.
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Is the Gap Theory Credible?: The Ruin and Restoration Theory
Concerning biblical interpretations (exegesis) of Creation among Christians, there is a belief called "The Gap Theory." Actually, it is less than a theory because theories are based upon hypothetical circumstances which are merely assumed conditions. This gap theory is also known as “The Ruin and Restoration Theory.” At the outset, the writer states that he does not believe in the "so called" Gap Theory. However, many fine Christian brethren do believe in some form of it. Advocates of this theory believe that there is a gap of indeterminate (uncertain) time between the verses of Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. The claim is that a former civilization (probably satanic and possible human-kind) existed between the two verses of Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. This “alleged” pre-Adamite civilization was supposed to be guilty of corrupting earth. The gap theorists claim a gap of time, longer than a 24-hour solar day (?), occurred when chaos reigned upon earth after the first day of God's Creation. However, it would be hard to reconcile a proposed former creation of earth, with animals, vegetation, and human life, because there was no habitable earth (neither life forms) existing between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. You would have to assume that an entire, finished world was completed at the end of Genesis 1:1. There is no mention of a formed world. Land did not appear until the third day of Creation (Genesis 1:9). Life forms did not appear until the third, fifth and sixth day. Conclusion: Neither an angel, life form, or a mortal man could exist upon an earth that did not yet exist.
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Purchase: Is the Gap Theory Credible?: The Ruin and Restoration Theory |
"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."
Proverbs 2:8