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The Last Nail in Jezebel's Coffin: A Collection of Sermons
In The Last Nail in Jezebel’s Coffin, pastor Stephen Gentry shares a collection of sermons that have touched many lives. Some of the sermon titles are The Last Nail in Jezebel’s Coffin, Harmless Doves, Bad Decisions in Times of Distress, A Schism in the Body, Savagery in the Safety Zone, Ichabod’s Brother, plus six other unique sermon titles. In the sermon titled, When a Physician Needs a Miracle, Bro. Gentry shares the testimony of his wife’s battle with cancer and the tremendous hope that the Great Physician has given them. These sermons will bless you and will grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Brother Gentry’s previous book, “God’s Word to Man, A Translation, Not a Version,” is a best seller.
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Purchase: The Last Nail in Jezebel's Coffin: A Collection of Sermons |
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The Author's firm conviction is that the King James Bible is the clearest and most accurate English Bible. Since its introduction in 1611, it has been the standard by which all other English versions have been compared. God's Word to Man, A Translation Not A Version, answers many questions that you may have regarding which bible to use. It emphasizes the importance of a word-for-word translation. The chapters of this book include: God's Word to Man; God's Word Inspired; The Preservation of God's Word; The Process of Preservation; The Canonization of Scripture; The History of the English Bible; King James; Hampton Court; The Translators; The Method; 1611 Edition; Editions Since 1611; Revised Versions
Table of Contents & Sample Pages | ||
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Purchase: God's Word to Man, A Translation, not a Version: Why the King James Bible is the Accurate English Bible |
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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."
Proverbs 2:8