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George H. Coy

The Inside Story of the Anglo-American Revised New Testament: Versus the Texts of the KJB

     George H. Coy said, "The Purpose of this book is to conduct the reader behind the scenes of the Angio-American Revision of the New Testament, and permit him to view not only the personages who governed but how the work of revision was conducted...he (Coy) became more and more convinced that the American Bible reader should have access to these facts. And like Dr. Salmon, he did not wish to carry the knowledge of these facts "unspoken to the grave...To the Bible readers who seek the truth for the truth's sake, this book is dedicated."

Where to Purchase:
The Inside Story of the Anglo-American Revised New Testament: Versus the Texts of the KJB

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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8