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J.R. Dore

Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible

     J. R. Dore said at Huddersfield, 1888: “All the statements I have made are based on most careful investigation of original copies of the books to which they refer, and I have spared no efforts to insure the utmost accuracy. The original spelling has been preserved in all quotations from the texts and notes of early versions: for to modernize the orthography, is to destroy one of the charms of these old Bibles, and seems to me to be in as bad taste as attempting to improve their quaint diction. Most gratefully I acknowledge the kind assistance I have received during past years from Mr. Francis Fry, Mr. Bradshaw, and Mr. H. Stevens, all of whom have recently been taken from us...The first edition of this book was received with greater favour than I now think it deserved, as ten more years devoted to the study of early printed Bibles have shown me how many faults it contained, of which I was then unconscious. I hope this edition is made more worthy the acceptance of those who value the English Bible.” The Old Paths Publications is pleased to be able to add this important book to our inventory that supports our aim; the defense of the King James Bible.

Where to Purchase:
Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the English Bible
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"He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints."

Proverbs 2:8